National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) permitted the French bank CredіtAgrіcole to buy almost 100% of shares of domestic Index-Bank, reported first vice-chairman of NBU Anatoly Shapovalov.
In March 2006 Credіt Agrіcole S.A. completed the agreement on purchase 98% of shares of Index-Bank. According to the arrangement the French bank will pay $260 million for 100% of shares of this establishment.
According to Index-Bank, by July, 2006 among its shareholders there were no the persons owned more than 10% of shares, whereas by April private establishment «Novoye vremya Ukraina» keeped 11,24% of shares, and «Technoinvest» ? 10,5%. According to NBU, at the beginning of July Index-Bank as for the size of the general actives (UAH 2,8 billion) took 23rd place among 166 banks operated in the country.
Also, according to Shapovalov, NBU has registered affiliated structure of Turkish Finansbank. It is the fifth on size of actives private commercial bank of Turkey. The NBU has permitted to it to create such structure in January, 2006. Finansbank is a part of international financial group Finansbank Group.
It develops the activity in all areas of a financial market, however it gives priority for a bank direction. The group is represented by a network of credit and financial establishments in eight countries: Switzerland, the Netherlands, Turkey, Belgium, France, Germany, Romania and Russia.
According to NBU, the share of the foreign capital in the cumulative authorized capital of Ukrainian bank system on results of 2006 can exceed 31%, whereas by July it made 24%, and to the beginning of the year ? 19,5%.
Buying | Selling | NBU | |
€ | 44.20 | 45.15 | 44,77 |
$ | 41.10 | 41.60 | 41.29 |
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