Information for publication

Debtors information who are related parties to the Bank as of July 1, 2024.

Announcement of a tender for the selection of external auditors for the provision of services for mandatory audit of financial statements

Report on remuneration of Supervisory Board members of the bank for 2023

Report on the remuneration of the members of the bank's Management Board for 2023

Report on remuneration of influential persons of the bank for 2023

Regulation on remuneration of Supervisory Board members

Regulation on remuneration of Management Board members

Regulation on remuneration of influential persons

Minutes of annual shareholders meeting dated 29 April 2024

Minutes of extraordinary shareholders meeting dated 21 December 2023

Announcement of a tender for the selection of external auditors for the provision of services for mandatory audit of financial statements

Notification of the occurance of specific information as of May 04, 2023

Minutes of annual shareholders meeting dated 28 April 2023

Notification of the occurance of specific information as of April 28, 2023

Notification of the occurance of specific information as of April 28, 2023

Report on remuneration of Supervisory Board members for 2022

Report on remuneration of Management Board members for 2022

Report on remuneration of influential persons for 2022

Notification of the occurance of the specofoc information as of February 14, 2023

Regulation on remuneration of the Supervisory board members

Notification of the occurance of specific information as of December 30, 2022

Notification of the occurance of specific information as of December 30, 2022

Minutes of annual shareholders meeting dated 29 December 2022

Regulation on remuneration of Management Board members and Influential Persons

Report on remuneration of Supervisory Board members for 2021

Report on remuneration of influential persons for 2021


Announcement of a competition for the selection of audit entities for the provision of services for mandatory audit of financial statements

Report on remuneration of Management Board members in 2021

Information on general shareholders meeting that didnt take place

Notification on extraordinary shareholders meeting

Minutes of extraordinary annual shareholders general meeting as of January 28, 2022

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of January 24, 2022

Results of assessing the strength of banks and the banking system of Ukraine in 2021

Notice of holding an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on January 28, 2022

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of December 10, 2021

Remuneration report of Management Board for 2020

Regulations on remuneration of Management Borad

Regulations on remuneration of members of the Supervisory Board

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of August 16, 2021

Report on remuneration of Supervisory Board members for 2020

Minutes of extraordinary general shareholders meeting as of July 22, 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of July 22, 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of July 22, 2021

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of July 16, 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of July 13, 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of July 13, 2021

Notification on extraordinary shareholders meeting on 22 of July 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of June 11, 2021

Minutes of annual shareholders general meeting as of April 20, 2021

Notification on refutation of inaccurate information

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of April 21, 2021

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of April 20, 2021

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of April 14, 2021

Notification on annual shareholders general meeting 2021

Announcement of a competition for the selection of audit entities for the provision of services for mandatory audit of financial statements

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of March 2, 2021

Notification on extraordinary general meeting of shreholders that didnt take place

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of January 13, 2021

Notification of the occurence of specific information as of December 31, 2020

Notification on extraordinary general shareholders meeting

Minutes of extraordinary general shareholders meeting as of August 21, 2020

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of August 21, 2020

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of August 21, 2020

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of August 17, 2020

Notification on extraordinary general shareholders meeting August 21, 2020

Minutes of annual shareholders general meeting as of June 02, 2020

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of June 02, 2020

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of May 27, 2020

Notification on annual shareholders general meeting 2020

Minutes of annual shareholders general meeting as of April 17, 2019

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of April 11, 2019

Schedule of placement of AT "CREDIT EUROPE BANK" for 2019

Notification of the occurrence of specific information

Notification on annual shareholders general meeting

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of January 02, 2019

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of January 01, 2019

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of January 01, 2019

Notification of the occurrence of specific information as of December 19, 2018

Minutes of extraordinary general shareholders meeting as of November 15, 2018

Information on the total number of shares and voting shares as of November 9, 2018

Notification on extraordinary general shareholders meeting

Minutes of extraordinary general shareholders meeting as of August 31, 2018

Notification on occurrence of specific information

Notification on extraordinary general shareholders meeting

Schedule of placement of AT "CREDIT EUROPE BANK" for 2018

Supervisory Board Report for 2017

Management Board report for 2017

Revision committee Report for 2017

List of affiliates and their shares

Remuneration regulations and reports

Minutes of annual shareholders general meeting as of April 04, 2018

Notification on occurrence of specific information

Notification on occurrence of specific information about change in the governance structure

Project of decision the issues included to the Agenda of the annual shareholders general meeting

Notification on annual shareholders general meeting

  • Information for previous years